
发布于 2021-10-10 17:52


Describe an exciting book that you enjoy

You should say

when you read it

what kinds of book it is

what it is about

and explain why you think it is exciting.



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I would like to talk about a book I read when I was a middle school student.


This is a self-help book titled Procrastination: Why you do it; what to do about it now?


This books analyzes some underlying psychological reasons about why people procrastinate and what strategies people can adopt in order to stop them from procrastinating.


I find this book very useful and exciting because I read many examples of procrastination that mirror my own experience and therefore I gain a deeper understanding about the reasons why I sometimes keep delaying. For example, this book mentions that people dillydally because they suffer from perfectionism. This just sounds like me. I have some pretty exacting requirements for myself. The thought of me making some mistakes that might undermine the quality of my work often puts me off from plunging into my work. Sometimes, the fact that people will be out of their comfort zone and feel loss of control may also prevent them from taking immediate action. This also resonates with me because I only feel comfortable when I am in absolute control of everything, so when I am about to do something that can possibly make me feel overwhelmed, I often drag my feet.


dillydally     vi.    磨磨蹭蹭


drag my feet     消极怠工;拖拖拉拉


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In this fast paced society, work/study efficiency is of great importance to anyone if they want to meet some important deadlines and still have time for their leisure activities. This requires them to keep out distractions including their cell phone and other personal devices like tablet computer. We also need to understand the importance of prioritizing.


1. Do you prefer books or movies?

I am not immune from the influence of fast food culture, so I also prefer movies to books. While it may take a long time to read a book from cover to cover, watching a movie takes just two hours or so and I can know a very good story in a short time. The stellar cast, spectacular special effects and convincing performance in a movie also make it irresistible. In contrast, reading a book can be much more boring.

2. Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

I think it really depends. If you do not want to have any spoilers before you go to a movie theater because you want to experience suspense in a movie, it is not advisable to read the book. On the other hand, if you seek a deeper understanding about a story, it is better to read the book first because the story in a book is fleshed out with more subplots and psychological descriptions. Equipped with this knowledge, viewers can better understand the movie, rate it and even write movie reviews on some website.   

3. Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

I do not think boys and girls like the same type of books. In China, romance novels, time travel novels, palace scheme novels appeal to girls immensely, but boys are not likely to show interest in some nonsensical novels involving several women plotting against each other or currying favor with the emperor. Many boys like reading martial arts novels and non-fiction. According to some research, more boys than girls like comic books.

4. What kinds of books do Chinese people like reading?

Well, since China is a country with a long history, Chinese people are drawn to those literary classics that are based on real historical events such as the Romance of Three Kingdoms, A dream in the Red Mansion etc. A particular genre of novels that has a special hold on the imagination of Chinese people is time travel novels featuring a girl or a boy living in modern times being transported to the ancient times and experiencing life in a palace. Similarly, palace scheme novels are also quite popular, though I can never relate to these two types.   
















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