公共管理相关外刊内容阅读 |对女性的偏向是否也是一种性别偏见?

发布于 2021-09-25 00:26


Almost a month after University of California Berkeley economists presented evidence of gender discrimination at several leading scientific institutions, including the National Academy of Sciences, the implicated groups have yet to publicly apologize for and repudiate the bias, or to dispute the evidence. Their silence, and that of the broader scientific community, should be deafening. The fact that it isn't speaks volumes about the tolerance of today's gender discrimination - favoring females.


The National Bureau of Economic Research working paper compares researchers of similar academic credentials, including publications and citations in top journals, and finds that women are up to twice as likely to receive honors and awards by the Econometric Society, a leading association in the economics field. They also enjoy considerably better odds than men at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. As the study authors acknowledge, this bias likely extends to other scientific institutions and C-suites of many American companies.


The study shows the playing field was tilted against women from 1933-1980, but then this pattern reversed and selection increasingly has favored women over men for 40 years. The end of such discrimination against women in these professions is worthy of celebration.


But as we cheer the end of bias against women, shouldn't we as loudly repudiate the bias today against men? Is there any doubt that if the research showed that bias against women continued today we would hear widespread recriminations within the scientific community and on social media? Immediate redress would be demanded.


Statistics show women today are better situated than men to succeed in college and careers. Women have represented the majority of the college-educated adults in this country for decades, which recently has been reflected in their outnumbering of college educated men in the workforce. We aren't trailing men, but the other way around.


本文节选自:The Hill(国会山报)


作者:Alison Sexton Ward

原文标题:Why do we tolerate gender bias favoring women?


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