移动花卡公众号公众号 移动花卡助手公众号 【200G流量,免费送】
发布于 2021-09-08 02:24
的情绪而诞生,并不是常规意义上人们所理解的鬼魂。 形态也并不拘泥于人形,千奇百怪都有。 不过也好,秦安是个孤儿,从小在福利院长大,这么长时间以来,至少有离夏帮他排解寂寞。 “赶紧吃饭,等下还要工作。”秦安从厨房端出两个冒着热气的大碗,饱满的米饭上面铺满肉菜,一个摆在离夏面前,一个则自己端着往嘴里扒拉。 也不见离夏有什么动作,只是碗里升腾的氤氲热气就主动飘进离夏体内,不多时刚刚出锅的饭菜就变得冰冷,秦安却连第一根鸡翅都还没吃完。 真是方便啊,不对,真是败家啊。 秦安就算已经看过无数次,也忍不住再次在心里吐槽,灵体是不需要进食的,离夏之所以要吃东西,仅仅是想和秦安保持同样的生活习惯,不过在他看来,完全就是因为这个女人自己嘴馋。 问题是这些被离夏吃过东西就没办法再吃了,秦安之前有试着吃过,完全没有味道不说,吃完还上吐下泻整整三天,从此以后离夏吃过的东西他都会小心处理完再丢掉,也防止被流浪汉或者小动物吃掉。 “如果你是这动漫里的男主角,你是会选择那个一直保护你的女鬼,还是一起长大的青梅竹马?”离夏眨巴着眼睛问道,很明显这是一道事关生死的问题。 秦安扒着饭眼皮都没抬,果断而直接道:“我不会选择女鬼,也不会选择青梅竹马,因为无论多少个如果,我都只会选择你。” “你这油嘴滑舌我也早就听腻了。”离夏显然也早有心理准备,语调没有任何变化,嘴角却停不住地往上翘。 吃完饭,秦安简单整理了一下,刚拉开大门,挂在墙上的绣花伞就主动飞到他的手里,电视已经自动关闭,离夏的身影也消失不见了。 秦安平日里依靠做临时工生活,毕竟他的情况比较特殊,要是长时间处在一个交际圈里难免会让人发现他的异常,所以并不想寻找一份固定的工作。 这次他在网上接到一个工作,内容很简单,就是去任务发布人指定的地点度过一夜,便可以领到800块钱。 只是As soon as you open it, you can't stop it“ We will have a classmate party next week. Many students will come. Would you like to join us? The monitor wanted to invite you to several previous parties, but I can't find your contact information. " Qin An is looking around the room, did not find abnormal, he does not know what is the reason for Bai Chuqing just so scared, heard this before back to God: "forget it, there are not a few familiar students." Bai Chuqing still wants to continue persuading, but he hears a knock outside the door. He looks nervous and looks at the direction of the door. When he hears the voice from the next door, he relaxes slightly. This scene is completely in Qin An's eyes, frowning: "you seem to care about knocking?" Bai Chuqing held the teapot's hand and made a sudden effort. She hesitated for a moment and then said intermittently, "that's why I'm publishing part-time jobs. Do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"“ There are no ghosts in this world. You have to believe in science. " Qin An lightly laughs a way, at the same time in the heart add a, but have spirit body just“ I used to believe in science until three days ago Bai Chuqing's eyes are red, it seems that she has experienced something impressive, "I don't hide it from you, but after listening, I hope you can help me." Qin An eyebrows provocation, looking to float in mid air, only he can see from the summer. Leave summer Chin a Yang, express don't want to take care of this matter, who let her just enter the door to dislike why still don't throw away the umbrella“ Eight hundred yuan! Think about how many ribs you can buy and how many dramas you can chase Qin An moved his mind with emotion and explained it with reason. Understand the family's financial situation is grim from the summer, hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodded, "you say, can help the place I will help." Qin An said after he had the strength. Bai Chuqing covered her hot tea cup and inhaled deeply: "three days ago, when I was off work, I met an old lady in a flowered cotton padded jacket at the crossroads."“ At first I thought the old man was in trouble, so I went up to see if she needed help Speaking of this, Bai Chuqing's tears suddenly came down, "the old lady didn't say a word, she just bent down and looked down at the ground."“ I found something wrong with the old lady because she was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, and other people around didn't seem to see the old lady. "“ So I left quickly, but I didn't expect that the old lady was always following me得轻咳一声,问道:“怎么样?考虑得如何?” 陈嫦首先提出拒绝,“我就是因为不想工作才找了个大款,不希望变成灵体后还要工作,我觉得还是趴在别人床头比较省事,他们一睁眼就看到,那种心灵上的冲击,瞬间爆发出的恐惧最为享受和省事。” “或者我可以等其他灵体将别人拉入墟中,我从诞生的愿力汲取一点点就可以。” 秦安忍不住拍响桌子,义正言辞道:“肤浅!你这种三观就非常有问题!” “可以获得一份工作,而且是自己想做的,可以为之奋斗的事,是一种福气!” “你这种不劳而获的想法应该及时得到矫正,天天躺在床上就有钱,额,就有愿力可以吸收,这种人生有意思吗?” 陈嫦被说得有些哑口无言,举着脑袋弱弱道:“那你不想有这种人生吗?” 咳! “好好反思一下。”说得口干舌燥正在喝水的秦安,突然被呛到,连咳好几下才缓过劲来,转移话题道:“现在告诉我,你们的梦想,有什么需要帮助的,我会尽力帮忙和给出意见。” “帮房客找到自己的人生目标,亲手赚到房租,这是身为房东应尽的责任和义务!” “人生是需要奋斗的,只有奋斗了,才会有光明的前途!” 秦安慷慨激昂地说完后,就掏出纸和笔,用包含期待的眼神望着它们,鼓励每个灵体说出自己的想法。 “有什么比较刺激好玩的事吗?”熊娃娃盘着腿,冥思苦想过后,发现上面秦安说的事情都太过无聊,不符合它的熊生目标。 “要不试着直播打游戏?在不同的战场里激烈厮杀,我觉得适合你。” “这听起来有点意思,先试试看吧。”熊娃娃背着手站起来,受到秦安的影响,高昂着头,大有一副舍我其谁的气势。 “给大家一个上午的时间,尽快给我一个答复,时间不等人哦。”秦安看其他灵体还在纠结中,也就不再逼迫它们,让它们先回墟里考虑清楚。 “对了。”他像突然想起些什么,叫住要离开的众多灵体,露出人畜无害的笑容道:“逼宫这么好的提 He still didn't turn on the lights. Being able to see things in the dark was his big advantage, and there was no reason to give up his advantage. Under the bed, there was no one, only the fragments of the corpse that had just fallen from the mattress. Han Feng raised his head and looked at the closet and the bathroom with the open door. After thinking for a long time, he walked towards the bathroom. There is no one in the bathroom either. The clothes piled up next to the sink are already covered with dust. What's interesting is that the sink is clean and tidy. He stared silently for a long time, carefully disassembled the sewer hose, slashed the hose with a sharp axe, and found a lot of animal hair inside that hadn't been washed away. After someone committed an assault here, they used the sink to wash the marks. The only place left in this room where there is a possibility of Tibetans is the wardrobe. Han Feng's hand holding the axe trembled a little, not because of fear, but nervousness and excitement. In this state of extreme calmness, he didn't seem to know what fear was. He tiptoedly moved his steps without making any sound. He came to the closet where the paint had been peeled off, and put his ear to the closet door to listen to the movement inside. After finding that there was still silence, he leaned on his side and suddenly opened the closet door and hid behind the door for a few seconds. There was no movement, and Han Feng raised his axe and walked to the front. What catches the eye is a more impactful picture than the corpse mountain on the mattress. The pictures of Han Feng are pasted in the closet. Without exception, the face of each picture is completely scratched, only the one on the chest. The campus card can identify the person in the photo as Han Feng. There are also words written in red marker. 'Hangman!' 'Pervert!' 'Killing animals!' 'I want to use a hammer to break every bone in your body!' 'Go to death!' The words of the curse were fiercer than one, and he did not find the same way as he found Shishan. Startled for a moment, but frowned slightly, rubbed the somewhat swollen forehead with the handle of the axe. 'I shouldn't have done it, otherwise it doesn't make sense.' Han Feng whispered, fingering across every scratch, feeling the degree of depth. He found that the scratches on the eye position in each photo were particularly deep. Look at that. This kind of depth is more like chiseling in with a knife. He unconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his eyes, and then put it down after a long time, one by one imaginary shapes formed in his mind, and murmured and repeated: 'It shouldn't be me, or it shouldn't be me.' 'Yes.' Maybe i移动花卡助手 【移动花卡】 200G流量,免费送移动花卡app,移动花卡权益领取中心,移动花卡,移动花卡,移动花卡服务 移动花卡助手,移动花卡助手微信,移动花卡助手app,移动花卡助手申请本文来自网络或网友投稿,如有侵犯您的权益,请发邮件至 我们将第一时间删除。