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发布于 2021-09-08 02:24


第五十六章开朝会 “不知道朝廷此番是单派遣了将军一人,还是几路大军并发呢?” 朝廷究竟出动了多少的兵马,这是个很关键的问题,桑开第也很关心这件事情,因为这关系到以后闯军还会不会打回来。 “我是受太子殿下之命,领山东义军两万,进攻归德的,可是没有想到你们归德地方守臣竟然这么不堪用,还不等打仗,你们就先降了。” 一路南下,一仗都没有打,这让张勇很是郁闷。 “哈哈,将军说笑了,我们这是感受到了太子的仁德,所以才献城投降的,再说了以前我们也是大明臣子,此番不过是改邪归正罢了。” 桑开第听到张勇的话,整个人都要裂开了,他心想,怎么地,不打仗死个把人你就不开心了是吧。 “嗯。”张勇面无表情地嗯了一声。 桑开第和之前的虞城县一样,怎么处置他说了不算,别看现在桑开第在自己的面前这么跳脱,和自己说的挺多,等把他们的消息送往金陵,过几天他们还能不能说话就不一定了。 总之,目前张勇带着两万山东义军,已经进驻归德,将这里占领了,不过他没有分兵驻守各地,而是将两万人马全都驻扎在归德府城内外。 桑开第这些人为了表示自己戴罪立功的决心,同时为了帮助朝廷收复中原,剿灭流寇的大业,号召归德当地的士绅拿出家产来报效军用。 而他和丁启光,两个人一人就拿出了一千两银子,这一次报效就给张勇带来了几万两银子还有几千石粟米的军粮。 张勇作为朱慈烺的系统士兵,自然将桑开第这些人的所有作为全都报告给了朱慈烺,事无巨细。 要不是张勇不认识字,更不会写字,他甚至会把见到桑开第的第一眼,带给他的第一印象,都仔细描述一番,然后写在信件中,给朱慈烺看。 “太子爷,张勇将军真是厉害啊,这么快就收复了归德府。”收到张勇报捷的信件,刘宝被他的神速所震惊。 要知道从朱慈烺命吴小三去山东传令张勇带兵到归德只过了十天,就连周元同也是昨天才来到金陵的。 “什么他厉害,你仔细看看他信里面的内容,他人还没见到虞城,虞城县令就带着城中士绅跪在城外迎接了,连归德知府桑开第,参将丁启光也是这样。” 朱慈烺知道这并非张勇的功劳,本来河南地因为战乱,就非常的贫瘠,地方上根本没有什么可以防御的力量。 再加上现在清军一直盯着闯军,所以李自成没有功夫管河南,任由官军、土贼、士绅起兵收复州县,所以张勇才会这么容易将归德收复。 “咦,这个丁启光,名字有些熟悉啊。”刘宝听到朱慈烺说丁启光,觉得这个人的名字好像以前在哪里听到过似的,可是自己的脑海中却没有这个人的样子。 “哦,他哥哥是前督师大学士丁启The strange shape of the body is floating and sinking, I can't see the specific appearance clearly“ What about? Am I good? " Li Xia padded her feet and asked for credit with pride. Qin An patted Li Xia's head gently to show his reward, and asked: "why did it go out directly? Won't you be haunted by their grievances? " As soon as the voice fell, a message appeared in Qin An's mind, and he understood it instantly. The archetype of the black haired woman is a horrible strange talk in the haunted house. She is stronger than the rickety old lady before. She belongs to the evil spirit and has her own special ability. But she was born from a single emotion, without even the basic reason and obsession. The imagination of tourists gives her the image of walking in the world, and the fear becomes the food for her growth. So she didn't even have the most basic hatred and resentment. This kind of spirit body born from the imagination of living beings is also called virtual spirit, which is the most difficult to deal with among many spirit bodies“ I see Qin An raised his wrist and saw that the bright red in the mark did not fade, but rose slightly. And Qin An found that he seemed to have some wonderful feeling. He stretched out his hand and threw it hard. A blood red hair left clean marks on the door of the toilet“ Can I use your power? It's like a brunette, isn't it Qin An surprised way, all the time in addition to the perception of Spirit given by Li Xia, there is no difference with ordinary people“ Her ability has changed with my bonus. " Li Xia, sensing the joy of Qin'an, couldn't help laughing. "Now that the basic assimilation has been completed, each spiritual body is free, and you can get their ability just like me."“ However, it is still very weak, that is, it needs to be further assimilated. " Li Xia doesn't care about Tao“ Go and find the other two. " Qin An can't wait now. Chapter 10 after work, the haunted house with people's shadow suddenly returns to calm, and the steady and powerful footstep echoes in the empty haunted house with the frightening whistle. It seems to be telling the prey that the hunter is coming“ You see, this haunted house is quiet and peaceful. It's good for us to open a haunted house when we get old and enjoy our old life. " Qin An holds Li Xia's hand, full of yearning“ At that time, the ghost house will be filled with spirits to give tourists a healing experience. " Li Xia holds an umbrella and laughs that she is already planning for the future industry. And love为自己瞒天过海的时候吊在风扇上出现,给观众一个反转。” 秦安走到厨房的最后面,然后示意其他灵体走开,给校服男生留下足够的空间,“准备,一二三开始。”第七十三章 一塌糊涂的拍摄(下) 在破旧的厨房中,校服男生毫无戒备地走向冰箱,而身后客厅中的小幺则露出个可怕的笑容。 秦安看着这一幕不由得满意地点点头,他已经想好到时给这里加个灰蒙蒙的滤镜,来衬托出诡异的气氛。 可随着冰箱门被拉开,校服男生愣住了,秦安也愣住了。 阿大,阿二两个熊孩子没有好好躺在冰箱里装尸体,而是在抢夺一块已经发黑的香蕉皮,好不容易营造出来的诡异气氛瞬间被蒸发得无影无踪。 “够了!”秦安顿时觉得血压飙升,气急败坏地冲了过去,一把抢过两个熊孩子手里的香蕉皮,狠狠丢进垃圾桶里,“你们在玩个球的香蕉皮!” 他总算明白,为什么经常在一些电影花絮里,看到导演大吼大叫了,碰到这种演员,你换谁来,谁血压都得飙。 “给我躺好!在乱来直接删掉全部戏份!” 在秦安的威逼利诱下,电影总算艰难地推进到第三幕。 校服男生坐立不安地等在沙发上,王莉却迟迟没有从洗手间里出来,任凭别人怎么叫喊都没有回应,好像直接消失了。 要随后出场的上吊女也在疑惑中,慢慢从风扇上显形,不过扇叶似乎因为年久失修,在摇晃中啪的一声断裂,害她重重摔落在地上。 整部电影的画风瞬间崩坏。 不过秦安也没空搭理这个了,意识到不对劲的他立马冲过去打开洗手间大门,发现王莉正抱在马桶上面,用来做道具的尖刀也被丢弃在一旁,不停喃喃道:“我不行的,好想死,不行的” 前面的表演反而击溃了王莉好不同意鼓起的勇气,又恢复成自闭少女的状态。 秦安长叹口气,还不待他进去安慰王莉,倒是其他灵体先围了上去。 “还能继续吗?”校服男生的关怀没有得到回应,只能无奈抬头道:“对她来说好像太困难了。” “Staring at Qin An with mixed eyes, he kept nodding, and then put down the phone and said after a while: 'The Lingguan Bureau confirmed that it is indeed theirs.' 'You are going to die? How can you bring a spirit body when you go out?' Huang Jieying still has something to do with it. Uncertainly said. 'Don't be afraid, everyone, I have put her away.' Qin An calmed down. But after experiencing this incident, everyone lost the mind of the party and left one after another, mainly because being in the same room with the spirit body felt a little irritating. Some people with more flexible minds have already endured the fear in their hearts and took the initiative to ask for contact information with Qin An. Now the affairs of the spirit body are raging. If you know someone who knows how to do it, you will be more at ease. It is inevitable that you will use it that day. . But Tan Musheng looked back at his villa, hesitated, and chose to stay in a hotel. 'Teacher, wait.' With a camera on Qin An's chest and an embroidered umbrella in his hand, she ran all the way to stop Huang Jieying who was about to get into the car. 'Teacher, I just walked in and found that you were entangled by the spirit body. Have you encountered anything recently?' Huang Jieying's face became a little ugly, and then she sighed: 'If you are just an ordinary person, I will not tell you about it, but now you have joined the Lingguan Bureau, I believe there should be The solution can be solved.' 'Recently, the students in my class have been circulating a cursed film. Anyone who has watched the film will be entangled with the spirit body, unless the film is sent to the next person.' 'Because there are many. The students have encountered various things because of the film, so I took the initiative to ask them to come over. I thought it was just a prank between the students, so I opened it and played it.' 'I didn't expect this film to be really evil, I When I was watching the day before yesterday, I noticed that there was a person in the room suddenly, so I hurriedly turned it off, but after I went to bed, there was always the sound of people walking outside the bedroom.' Huang Jieying’s voice was trembling. The incident has caused her to suffer a lot in the past few days. 'So that's the case.' Qin An smiled, 'Teacher, don't worry too much. After you go back, send the box of videos to me.' 'How can this be!?' She really didn't want to spread the film to harm others. 'It's okay, don't forget my identity, I am specifically dealing with these things.' Qin An smiled with big white teeth, like a wolf with a big tail. You must know that there are still many in the beautiful apartment now.腾讯王卡助手官微 【免费包邮】 腾讯王卡腾讯王卡电信,腾讯王卡关,腾讯王卡,腾讯王卡190629,腾讯王卡特权,腾讯王卡娃娃,腾讯王卡王卡助手,腾讯王卡助手 腾讯王卡助手,腾讯王卡助手,腾讯王卡助手,腾讯王卡助手官微,腾讯王卡助手联通

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